We are multitudes.

We display a multitude of identities based on deeper connections. Some identities are adopted to meet the expectations of people around us. From the office to a dinner party, from church to the bleachers at a football game, from laughing with friends to walking the streets in protest, who we are is impossible to paint using only shades of black and white.

How we see identity

We call what we do Business to identity—B2i™.



Individual customers that purchase goods and services for their personal or organizational needs and wants.


Sales Funnel Customer Journey: an emotional or process-driven path to purchase.


Purchase satisfaction and Brand Loyalty.



Identity communities increase attachment to a brand based on a shared sense of belonging. 


An Anticipation Funnel™ Relationship Journey: a community-driven path to deepen identification with a brand.


Relationship anticipation and Brand Love.

Understanding what makes Brand Love so effective.

B2i spotlights the meaningful connections that legacy marketing often misses: how audiences identify with brands, how identity influences authenticity perceptions, how identity alters meaning and resonance, how identity fosters inclusion, and how identity leads to Brand Love.

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

—Albert Einstein

Identity is authenticity… simplified.

B2i is an authenticity guide for brands deconstructing the nuance and expression of identity. We use modern science to reconcile communication gaps between brands’ messaging intention and audience perception.

Identity matters
more than category.

The world has gotten smaller. We no longer identify with what sets us apart from others. Instead, we seek out common narratives that show we’re more alike than different. Once we see people for who they truly are, they cease to become a category that’s easy to pigeonhole.

Demographics, psychographics, and behavior-graphics can be useful, but they’re still fairly surface ways to categorize people that skate over the unseen things that connect us. The next generation is telling us they defy old definitions. We turn to identity because, in a more fluid world, simple differences no longer explain meaningful connections.